pathology diagnosis


Opportunities and Challenges in the Nexus of Traditional and Computational Pathology. Approaches using diagnostic decision support systems in pathology and microscopy. by Hernani Cualing MD, Medical Director, IHCFLOW Inc. Affiliate Associate Professor, Hematopathologist, University of South Florida College of Medicine, Cell Biology and Pathology Department. “Computer aided diagnosis will be widely used if the reports…

Biomedical engineering Applications, Data Domain, and Opportunities in Pathology, Cancer and Genomics: Precision Medicine using Precision Pathology

Subtitle: Focus on Decision Trees and Theoretic Analytics of Flow Cytometry Phenotype Data , Microscopic Digital Image Cytometry of cancer cells or histopathologic tissue and genomics data. APPLICATION TARGETS: CLASS I FDA MEDICAL DEVICE DATA SYSTEMS: LAB AUTOMATION: DATAPROCESSINGTOOLSFORDIGITALIMAGES BY: Hernani Cualing MD, Medical Director IHCFLOW Inc. Assoc Prof, Univ of South Florida, Moffitt Cancer…